Supporting THE

Dog Rescue Society

Cooper’s Markets are proud to support this local charity, very close to our hearts.

Chiltern Dog Rescue Society will receive funding from Cooper’s Markets for every stall that is booked with us, and that money will make a huge difference to a some of the beautiful dogs being housed at the shelter right here in the Chilterns.

With Cooper’s Markets being named after our founders springer spaniel Cooper,  we felt it only appropriate to support a charity close to our hearts and the heart of the market.

Florence at the pound

Did you know the average cost to keep a dog at the rescue centre is £25 per day?

Dogs just like Florence, the four year old Labradoodle who was picked up as a stray just before Christmas and taken to the local pound.

We were subsequently contacted and asked if we had space to take her. Upon arrival at the Rescue Centre Florence settled in quickly, proving to be a very popular guest!

As with all of our dogs, Florence was taken to our vet for an initial check up and her first inoculation and was also given flea and worming treatments.

Sadly, it was discovered that she had impaired vision, possibly caused by nuclear sclerosis. Although this would mean that it may take us a little longer to find her perfect home, it didn’t stop her from enjoying her time with our staff, walking around our woodland paths and starting her socialisation training and mixing with a number of other dogs.

She very much enjoyed her off lead playtime sessions but with no recall training, this is something that would need to continue to be worked upon at the Rescue Centre and beyond.

Florence at the Rescue
Florence at home

A new home was identified for her with a retired couple who had lots of dog ownership experience and plenty of time to devote to lovely Florence.  Her owner’s write “just to let you know that Florence is settling in really well and we adore her. She is the sweetest dog who has just filled both our hearts with joy. Thank you all so much for helping her to find us “. 

Supporting THE


The Missenden Walled Garden charity provides day support for people with disabilities or mental health issues, based within the grounds of Missenden Abbey in Buckinghamshire. 

The team of staff and volunteers help members to grow and reach their potential at their own pace.
Working in the garden appeals to a wide range of ages from 17 to 70+ years old. A typical day will include a mix of outdoor work and educational opportunities such as: garden maintenance and mower operation, along with, indoor activities within our education centre and large glass houses, including art and music.

Supporting THE


South Bucks Hospice is a charity which supports over 600 patients per annum, living with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses through the provision of specialist palliative care on an outpatient basis.

They help people at any stage in their diagnosis to adjust physically, psychologically, socially and emotionally to their condition, to keep well and to copy with any health and care needs at home, wherever possible.